Plastic Bedding Rose - Coarse Spray
Colours & Sizes
A Haws coarse spray rose enables you to water your established plants quickly and efficiently. Due to the speed at which water comes out, we only recommend it for our long spout Haws watering cans which are The Cradley Cascader and The Selly Soak.
- Made in England
- Durable brass plate
- Tough plastic back
- Thermodynamic plastic
- Soft lock design, you do not need to force the rose onto the spout.
We do not recommend this rose for The Sutton Splash (450) or the Practican (660) as their spouts are too short. This rose is not a universal rose; which means it is designed only for a Haws plastic watering can.
The plastic we use is thermodynamic which means if you pop it in a mug of very hot water (not boiling) for a couple of minutes before you fit it on your watering can for the first time, it will create a better fit.
When fitting a plastic rose on a Haws watering can, please imagine the amount of pressure you use in your arm to tighten a lid on a glass jar, just before you put the glass jar back in the fridge. This is the amount of pressure you need to fit a plastic rose to the spout of your watering can. Anymore than that and you can split the plastic.
Need help deciding which rose to purchase? The Haws Help Centre has all the answers you need!
See our Watering Can Size Guide

It’s all in the making
Expertly handcrafted and built to last, our metal watering cans take more than 200 steps to make.
It’s traditional British engineering at its finest, and all happens in our workshop in Smethwick, West Midlands. Here’s how everything comes together.
Established in 1886, Haws is the world’s oldest manufacturer of watering cans, and our products are as enduring as our reputation.